If you are looking for a great way to share a healthy moment with your children here is a book for you, from our hand-picked collection: "Stories That Come Alive Through Yoga". In this unique book, written by Renee Sherkness, Certified Yoga Teacher and experienced Child Educator, children and families are able to share a healthy moment together practicing yoga through kid friendly stories, with illustrations specifically written for yoga, breathing exercises and relaxation visualization. Full description and instruction how to perform the poses is followed by a related story. Also information is given to what yoga is and its benefits, and how it has impacted the author's life and others.
A great "go to" book for instructors, but mostly for families wanting to share a healthy moment with their children! Features: - 60 Pages - Suitable for ages 4 - 11 - 10" H x 8"W - Softbound (paperback) - Published by CreateSpace June 8, 2011 In Stock: Yes √
Our Price:$16.10
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Andy, the Ant
Deanna, the Dancer
Bonnie, the Butterfly
Additional Info:
Chapter 5 "Andy the Ant" story excerpt
"There once was a very tiny, but very energetic, ant named Andy (Begin in Flat Back Cow pose/Andy, the Ant pose) who lived on an anthill. (Child pose).
One day he was gathering his food on his back when he heard a loud noise. (Hero pose to Easy pose)" [...]
Message from the author:
"Being a former educator for over 20 years, children's yoga instructor, wife, mother and grandmother, I know how important and sometimes challenging it is to find entertaining and educational literature that can inspire children to want to learn about our world. In today's world, knowledge of our environment, ways to care for our world and lifestyles which help us to live healthier lives can be likened to seeds requiring nurturing from all of us, especially our young, to ensure our future. These are the reasons I have created a collection of books entitled: The Nurturing Nature Series: Connecting "with care" to our world.
Once nourished by the light of the sun these seeds take root, they sprout their stems and the branches grow big and strong! And like Jack and his beanstalk we can ascend these boughs and embark on a journey to healthier lives and a better world.
It is my wish that through my books a seed is planted, a ray of sunshine sparkles in you, branches are grown and your journey will begin. May your journey be well-lit, entertaining and informative for both young and old. And may the world be a better place because of this. ENJOY!"
~ Renee Sherkness
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"Dear Renee, I received the book in the mail yesterday. Thank you! I am very happy with it. Last night I read the stories to my 7 year old daughter. After each one, she asked if I could read another. Well done! I look forward to using the book in my kids’ classes. Namaste, Debbi" - Debbie Logan/Children's yoga instructor/Mother/Contest winner of the book: Stories That Come Alive Through Yoga.
"Looking for the stories for kids that nurture the mind, body and the spirit? "Stories That Come Alive Through Yoga" by Renee Sherkness is a gem!!...The author's love of children & yoga shines throu... She clearly poured her heart into this book. Namaste." ~Angela Moored (MS, CCC-SLP, IAYT, RCYP-2)/Owner of OMazing Kids Yoga/Speech and Language Pathologist.
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