This kit s a dream for parents. Fun, safe, easy, and convenient; Complete yoga kit that provides everything a little yogi will need to get started on the path to a long, healthy life. K i t I n c l u d e s :
- Little Yogis DVD vol. 1 - Little Yogis Mat - Kid's Asana Poster - Colorful Tote - Stickers for little collectors!
Sku # 412PTY
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LITTLE YOGIS DVD - VOL.1 30 minutes of pure, healthy fun; KID-SIZED LITTLE YOGIS MAT comes only with this Kit, to be discontinued styled with little cartoon yogis in action, in kid-friendly colors and size (1/8"x24"Wx60"L);
KID'S ASANAS POSTER large 3 ft x 2 ft, full-color poster with 21 yoga exercises in cartoon style;
KID'S MAT BAG (Colorful Tote) Kids can take yoga to school, to a friend's house, or on vacation in this sturdy, transparent, easy-to-carry mat bag. The tote also features a video pocket, drawstring closure, adjustable strap, and extra room for snacks 'n stuff.
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